1. If I complete a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE), will I be a certified teacher?
The completion of a bachelor’s degree in ECE alone does not automatically grant licensure in the state of Pennsylvania. Those looking to be certified teachers in PA, must complete all requirements related to certification:
- complete an approved teacher preparation program,
- successfully complete PA testing requirements
- hold a minimum of a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)
- meet requirements related to citizenship, moral, ethical and physical/mental fitness
2. What are the requirements to be a certified teacher in Pennsylvania?
Per the PA Department of Education, the Broad Requirements for Instructional and Educational Specialist Certifications are as follows:
- Hold a Bachelor's degree
- Completion of an approved program of study leading to certification in the area of certificate requested
- Hold a 3.0 GPA
- Successful completion of Pennsylvania required tests
- Meet all Pennsylvania requirements related to citizenship, moral, ethical and physical/mental fitness
3. Are there options to help with the cost of schooling?
The cost of enrolling into a credential, degree and/or certification program can be burdensome, but there are several ways, such as grants and scholarships, to help ease the financial burden. In Pennsylvania, funding through T.E.A.C.H. and the Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program is available to eligible candidates pursuing early childhood education as their major. In addition, Federal Student Aid is also an option.